About WGSF-TV Blog

About WGSF Television

By admin on Apr 1, 2008 | In About WGSF

Link: http://wgsf.oldgleaner.com/

WGSF Television
Newark, Ohio
1963 - 1976

Public Broadcasting Television Station WGSF operated in Newark, Ohio, from 1963 to 1970 as Channel 28, and then as Channel 31 until it ceased operation in 1976.

The story of television broadcasting in Newark, Ohio, has roots that go much deeper than the relatively short life of the WGSF broadcast station itself. It took a lot of work and community cooperation before the first day of broadcasting on Channel 28 began.

Many people contributed time, money, and even tangibles over the years in pursuit of a vision that public and educational uses of television were not only a valuable asset, but were also attainable in a local community.

These pages about WGSF Television are an on-going project: If you were involved in some way with the TV station, please contribute to this journal and history endeavor. WGSF was unique - and deserves to be documented as fully as possible.
What do you remember? Share it!
This "WGSF Blog" is available to simplify the exchange of information. Check through the topics already started. Encourage others to become involved, and become contributers to this project.

Leland Hubbell - Site Administrator

WGSF History Project

By admin on Apr 2, 2008 | In About WGSF

Link: http://wgsf.oldgleaner.com/

This Blog is part of a project to Preserve the Legacy of WGSF
~Share Memories
~View or Contribute Photos
~Review the History of WGSF

Many of the documents, correspondence, photographs and records from WGSF have been retained, along with some items of equipment. Hopefully, these web pages will develop into a compilation of these resources with memories and insights from people who participated in the community television experience.

This is intended to be an on-going project.

Check back often to follow the progress. Contributions and comments are welcome.

Leland Hubbell
WGSF - 1964 - 1976
Newark School District TV Center - 1976 - 1995

WGSF Web Pages

By admin on Apr 3, 2008 | In About WGSF

Link: http://wgsf.oldgleaner.com/

The Home Pages for WGSF data, photographs and an interchange of information are located at the home page

Pertinent information obtained through this blog will be compiled and archived on those pages.

The On-line project began in 2005. A previous effort to consolidate WGSF data, photographs and an interchange of information exists at Yahoo! Groups.
It has served well for a time, but requires a Yahoo! subscription/membership to access most of the site. It is hoped that these more open web locations will encourage more people to become involved, and provide researchers easier access to the WGSF story.