Early Television Early Television Early Television Early Television Early Television

** THE HISTORY ** Some of the main players

John Logie Baird  Mr. Baird was the most prolific inventor during television's early years. A few of his many "firsts" include: television of moving human faces, (1926); Infra-red television, (1926); Television recordings, (1926/7); trans-Atlantic television, (1928); color television, (1928); theater television, (1930); outdoor broadcasts, (1931). In later years he developed the first color and 3-D, 600 line receiver, (1939). He continued to regularly contribute to the advancement of television until his death in 1946. Much of the time, Baird was way ahead of all the others.
Early Television
Philo T. Farnsworth As a farm boy at the age of 15, "Phil" Farnsworth came up with his idea of a complete electronic television system, the same system that continues to form much of the basis for television to this day. Some twelve years later in 1927, he produced the world's first all-electronic television picture. All this while many "experts" in the field were using and promoting soon to be obsolete mechanical means.
Early Television
Charles  F. Jenkins Mr. Jenkins provided one of the earliest demonstrations of practical television in the United States in 1925. His demonstration consisted of the transmission and reception of a slowly revolving toy windmill. He was a pioneer inventor in the field of motion pictures and much of his work in television had to do with the transmission of movie films into the home.
Early Television
Ulises A. Sanabria   At the age of 19 using a lens disk scanner, he demonstrated the first television in Chicago. This was only four months after C. F. Jenkins gave his windmill demonstration. He went on to form the Western Television Company, producing the first commercial receivers to use interlaced scanning for which he held the patent. He went on to build 24 television transmitting stations, all using the interlaced Sanabria system.
Early Television
Vladimir K. Zworykin  Mr. Zworykin is probably best known for his work on the Iconoscope. But he also deserves recognition for his important work on related subjects such as photo-cells, cathode-ray tubes and the scanning electron microscope. His work in television really began in 1923 and he soon recognized the limitations of the mechanical systems. By 1930, he had turned his attention entirely to the problems of electronic television.
Early Television
Early Chicago History  This page contains information regarding events and history of early television in Chicago Illinois.

Early Television

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